Parent/Child Interactive Programs
Parent/Child Interactive Programs allow parents or caregivers and their infants or toddlers to engage with each other in semester-long classes. Cohorts made up of parent/child duos, led by a bilingual expert in child development, focus on: parent-infant bonding, developmental milestones, brain development, reading and playing as a family, positive parenting, stress reduction, child abuse prevention, and more.
Kids’ Club
Kids’ Club is a free school-readiness program for children under the age of three years, which we purposefully schedule at the same time as our most popular adult programs (e.g. Horas Felices, Abriendo Puertas, and our English as a Second Language program). Our young enrollees practice their gross and fine motor skills and play in an inquiry-driven, bilingual environment. Kids’ Club teachers, all of whom are licensed preschool educators, engage with parents at pick up and drop offs, coaching them to replicate early learning activities at home. Our teachers also assess children for possible developmental delays and work with parents to address concerns early in a child’s life.
To get started, please contact us.